Events 2024

France-Vietnam homology theory seminar on line

The seminar takes place every two weeks on Tuesday

Winter time 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm Paris time, 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm Hanoi time

Summer time 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm Paris time, 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm Hanoi time.


12/03 Nguyễn Thế Cường Topological realization of certain resolution of the singular cohomology of BS3 (you can access the talk here)

26/03 Nguyễn Thế Cường Topological realization of certain resolution of the singular cohomology of BO(2) (you can access the talk here)

14/05/2024 L. Schwartz Introduction to simplicial sets, the construction G of Kan and Curtis’ spectral sequence.

03/04 và 17/04 Lionel Schwartz  Homological suspension for certain actions of (Z/2)n

22/04/2024 D.H.H. Nguyen & L. Schwartz La suspension homologique pour les CW-complexes finis quotients d’actions libres de (Z/2)n (you can access the talk here)

30/04/2024 N. (Charlottesvile)  A short proof that the dual Brown-Gitler spectra are spacelike using a Goodwillie tower.

Abstract: The tower associated to the functor that sends a spectrum X to the suspension spectrum of its 0th space is very interesting for many reasons. Here we use it to prove a curious fact: if a connected spectrum admits a map to a suspension spectrum that is monic in mod p homology, then it admits a map from a suspension spectrum that is epic in mod p homology.

This is then used to give a quick proof that the dual Brown-Gitler spectra T(n) are retracts of a suspension spectrum, a result first proved differently and independently by Lannes and Goerss.

14/05/2024 L. Schwartz Introduction to simplicial sets, the construction G of Kan and Curtis’ spectral sequence.

Mini-course on Quantum mechanics: A mathematical presentation
Time: April 22-23, 2024

Lecturer: Prof. Olivier Lafitte, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord (Paris 13), France

Summer school on Galois representations and Reciprocity
Time: July 1-12, 2024

Ariane Mezard, Institut de Mathematiques de Jussieu and ENS Paris, France
Kieu Hieu Nguyen, Institut de mathématiques de Marseille, France

Mini-course: Mathematical Problems in Kinetic Theory
Time: July 18-19, 2024

Claude Bardos, Paris Diderot University, France
François Golse, École Polytechnique, France

Mini-course: Twisted commutative algebras, polynomial representations and functor categories
Time: July 22, 24, 26, 2024

Lecturer: Antoine Touzé, University of Lille, France

Selected topics in Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry (CIMPA-SEAMS school and workshop 28 Oct.- 8 Nov, 2024). Lecturers : M. Brion (CNRS and Univ. Grenoble, France), K. Cesnavicius (CNRS and Univ. Paris-Saclay, France), BH. Im (F) (KAIST, Korea), S. Ishii (F) (Univ. Tokyo, Japon), JP. dos Santos (Univ. Montpellier, France), F. Tavares Ribeiro (Univ. Caen, France)