Deadline 31 December 2024, Hanoi time (GMT+7)

The IRL France-Vietnam in Mathematics and its Applications supports research visits between France and Vietnam and Master’s programs. It promotes the development of conferences, summer schools and also support Centre International de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (CIMPA) schools.
It works closely with the Institut national des sciences mathématiques et de leurs interactions (INSMI) of the CNRS, with all the network of French mathematics laboratories, as well as with universities and institutions throughout Vietnam, notably the VAST (Vietnam Academy of Sciences and technology) and the VIASM (Vietnam Institute of Advanced Studies in Mathematics) in Ha Noi.
The Laboratory is placed under the joint responsibility of the CNRS, VIASM and VAST which provide it with staff and resources. It is located at VIASM 157 Lane Chùa Láng street, Đống Đa and VAST, Institute of Mathematics 18 Hoang Quoc Viet road, Cau Giay district, 10307. Both institutions are in Hà Nội, Viet Nam.
The IRL FMVA is part of the INSMI network of IRLs, present all over the world.
This website is managed by Marc Peigné and Tô Tat Dat.
COGENT – Doctoral Network PHD positions in “Cohomology, Geometry and Explicit Number theory” see here