Frank Sueur

During my stay at VIASM, in April 2023, thanks to the prompt support of the new IRL FVMA, I have given a mini-course of about 8 hours on the controllability of fluid dynamics equations. This enabled me to meet many Vietnamese researchers, from Hanoi of course, but also a few people who had travelled from other Vietnamese cities for the occasion. In particular, several young people, either in research or returning from their thesis, showed great enthusiasm and stimulating interest. A two-day mini-conference also provided an opportunity to share recent progresses, as well as to meet other foreign researchers visiting VIASM at the same time.
Franck Sueur
Jean-Bernard Lasserre

I stayed in Hanoi for a week, where I gave a mini-course at VIASM on polynomial optimization, with title
“The Moment-Sum-of-Squares Hierarchy and the Christoffel function.”
I was also to take part in the 21st Workshop on Optimization and Scientific Computing (20-22th of April) in Ba Vi, but for security reasons, it wasn’t possible.
Jean-Bernard Lassère
Benoît Perthame

On the initiative of N’go Bao Chau, a summer school was organized at VIASM from 10 to 14 of July. This school was followed by a conference, on the theme of “mathematical biology“. The courses focused on population models described by random systems of individuals or continuous models in the form of partial differential equations. In this context, I gave a course on population aspects of adaptive dynamics; the theory is centered on asymptotic methods (rare mutations or small effect on phenotype) leading to Hamilton-Jacobi equations with constraints. VIASM’s particularly convivial organization and outstanding hosting conditions enabled direct contact between participants from all over the region.
Benoît Perthame
Haatem Zaag

Following an invitation from Ngo Bao Chau, I had the pleasure of visiting VIASM in Hanoi, from July 8 to 18, 2023.
The “Summer school on Mathematical biology”” from July 10 to 13 was the highlight of this stay. Alongside, Benoît Perthame from Paris and Fugo Takasu from Nara, Japan, I was able to give a 6-hour course on “Singularity formation in biology-related PDEs”.
July 14 was devoted to a workshop on “Some contemporary problems in math-bio”, where I gave a talk attempting to explain “How mathematics can help in the understanding of Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (CIBD)”.
Alongside these two events, I was able to talk to numerous researchers and students, not only from Vietnam, but also from Japan, Indonesia and the Philippines. Through these exchanges and the discussions following my lecture, I was able to gauge the enthusiasm of the participants for the subject and for maths in general. I’m sure this will lead to lasting exchanges!
Over and above the scientific aspects, this visit enabled me to appreciate the warm welcome I received from my colleagues at VIASM, who did their best to resolve a number of essential points, thus making my stay possible and enjoyable. I’d like to thank them all!
Haatem Zaag
Jean-Pierre Bourguignon

From 11 to 27 August 2023, I travelled to Vietnam to take part in a Summer school on Differential Geometry organized at the Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM) in Hanoi and the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) based in Trieste, Italy, with the support of the Clay Mathematics Institute and the Commission for Developing Countries of the International Mathematical Union accompanied by the Abel Board.
Differential geometry is my field of research, hence my interest in this school. I am also a member of the VIASM International Advisory Board. So it was a good opportunity for me to visit VIASM again.
Jean-Pierre Bourguignon
A detailed version (in french) of the report on J.P. Bourguignon’s visit is available here.
Hoai Minh Nguyen

With the support of IRL FVMA, have visited Vietnam in september and october 2023.
From 21th to 23th of september I have visited the HUS, VNU University of Science and took part to the Vietnam-France meeting. I have given 2 talks, one in the Vietnam University of Science of Ho Chi Minh City and the other one in UEH University (Ho Chi Minh City)
I have also visited the Hue University of Education, for research collaboration; the occasion to give also a seminar talk the 9th of october.
Hoai Minh Nguyen
Tuan Ngo Dac
Thanks to the financial support from IRL FVMA, we have visited Vietnam with Khac Nhuan Le as part of the “Hopf Algebras and Applications” symposium held at the Institute of Mathematics of Hanoi (VAST) from October 23 to November 3h. During the first week, I have given a 10 hours M2 course, providing an introduction to Hopf algebras.
Following this event, I have initiated a research project with two colleagues from the Institute of Mathematics of Hanoi.
Tuan Ngo Dac
Khac Nhuan Le

I have visited Vietnam with Tuan Ngo Dac as part of the “Hopf Algebras and Applications” symposium held at the Institute of Mathematics of Hanoi (VAST) from October 23 to November 3.
During the second week, I have given two research talks on the enigmatic links between Hopf algebras and multiple zeta values.
Khac Nhuan Le
Lionel Schwartz & Jean Lannes

The Algebraic Topology Activity (ATA) at VIASM took place from 01/10/2023 to 31/12/2023. It was co-organized by Nguyen Huu Viet Hung and Lionel Schwartz.
Jean Lannes spent from mid-October to mid-December in Vietnam. Lionel Schwartz was there from mid-November to mid-December. Between December 3 and 8. They both took part in a winter school followed by a workshop at Quy Nhon University and ICISE.
Gregory Ginot gave a series of lectures at the "Winter school Algebraic Topology and Applications" in Quy Nhon, entitled "Persistence homology and applications".
A detailed version (in french) of the report is available here.
Nguyen Thac Dung

Based on the support of IRL FVMA, I have visited France in November 2023.
From 5th to 13th of November, I have visited Nantes Universite and have given a talk there. During my stay in Nantes, I have discussed with Gilles Carron on rigidity properties of manifolds using theory of harmonic forms and the weighted Yamabe invariants. From 13th of November to 2nd December, I have visited Universite de Tours and discussed with Marc Soret on geometry of submanifolds. During this period, I have given two talks, one in the Universite Paris Cite and the other one in Universite de Tours. In particular, I have had a chance to meet Thomas Richards and talk about our research topics.
As a consequence of the visit, I have found some new problems to work on and a chance to cooperate with French mathematicians.
Nguyen Thac Dung