Michel Waldschmidt

In June 2024 I gave a course on algebraic coding theory during a CIMPA School on Applied Number Theory which took place at the University of Education, Ho Chi Minh City, June 3 – 14, 2024. We were eight teachers speaking also on algorithmic number theory, elliptic curves and isogeny based cryptography.
During this visit I met Nguyen Ngoc Ai Van and her former professor Bui Xuan Hai at the Ho Chi Minh University of Sciences HCMUS. I used to give a course each year in this university during the three years 2007-2009.
The first course I gave there in 2007 was supported by the PICS Formath Vietnam.
Van was a bright student there during my last course in 2009; I invited her to attend courses in my University Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris VI). After that she went to Ottawa where she obtained her PhD with Damien Roy in 2013. She has now a position in Ho Chi Minh City.
This visit gave me also the opportunity to meet again Trung Hieu Ngo from the Institute of Mathematics of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST). He also organises a workshop and conference in Hanoi this year (October 26 – November 12, 2024) “Selected topics in Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry” where I will speak on “Representation of integers by binary forms”.
I am thankful to the financial support from IRL FVMA for my travel expenses.
Michel Waldschmidt
Ariane Mézard

This summer school was extraordinary.
We have done a magnificent job: young people who want it, supervisors who have given great courses, who are available, constructive and very positive
A delightful local welcome… Simply the best summer school of my career in every respect. Many thanks. It was a beautiful moment, a little serious and a lot of fun. I am thankful to the financial support from IRL FVMA for my travel expenses.
Ariane Mézard
Kieu Hieu Nguyen

In July 2024, I spent 3 weeks in Hanoi, Vietnam. During this time, I gave a lecture on modular forms at the summer school https://viasm.edu.vn/en/hdkh/Galois2024 held at VIASM.
The summer school was wonderful, I had the opportunity to meet many experts and young mathematicians, exchange ideas and experiences. It is definitely memorable and helpful for my scientific career.
I am grateful for the financial support of IRL FVMA for my stay in Hanoi, Vietnam.
Kieu Hieu Nguyen
Antoine Touzé

I spent two weeks in Hanoi with the support of the IRL FVMA . During the first week, I gave a 6 hours mini-course on “twisted commutative algebras, polynomial representations and functors” at the VIASM, presenting basic theory and open problems in this field.
During the second week, I participated to the 2024 vietnamese conference on algebraic topology and related fields, in Honor of Pr. Hung’s 70th birthday. My stay in Hanoi gave me the opportunity to meet vietnamese collegues and discuss with them. I hope some of these fruitful interactions will lead to scientific collaborations in a close future.
Antoine Touzé
Claude Bardos

Claude Bardos
If I remember well , that is in 2009, when I visited Brown University that I met Toan Nguyen, who by that time was a post-doc there. Since that time we had a very regular collaboration. Now Toan Nguyen is Professor at Peen Sate University.
He has many joint papers which French Mathematicians, with me four already published and one in preparation. Hence I really appreciated to be invited ( 2 weeks from July 13 to July 27 ) , at the Hanoi Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM) for a “summer school.” This building
The first week, involving about 60 participants, was fully organized:
First two days devoted to, weak turbulence, an approach becoming more and more important in kinetic theory with lectures of Bin Tran Minh (from Texas AM), Gigliola Staffilani (MIT) and Chenjie Fan
(Chinese Academy of Science).
The second part of the week was devoted to more diverse aspects of kinetic theory with talks of Francois Golse (Polytechnique) , Trinh T. Nguyen (Madison) and myself (retired Ljll, Paris-Sorbonne).
The next week was kept for more informal discussions. With in between for the week-end a fantastic excursion to the Halong bay.
My travel expanses have been covered by the CNRS and everything in Hanoi was with efficience and generosity, fully taken in charge by the Vietnameses. I had for two weeks non local expanses.
With constant interaction with colleagues and discovery of a fascinating country that was a super experience.
Claude Bardos
Kilian Raschel

September 2024 to January 2025
I worked at the VIASM from August 2024 to January 2025 as a CNRS researcher affiliated to the France-Vietnam International Research Laboratory for Mathematics and its Applications. This time was very rich from both a human and a scientific point of view.
Firstly, I was able to meet many colleagues from various Vietnamese research institutions.
In particular, I started a new collaboration with Ngo Hoang Long, associate professor at Hanoï National University of Education. I have also fostered a collaboration with Viet Hung Hoang, lecturer at the Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City.
I have also been invited to several universities to give talks, meet research groups and establish new collaborations; I have given research presentations at VIASM, the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, the Hanoï National University of Education, the Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City and finally the University of Da Nang.
One of the main events during my stay in Vietnam was the organisation of the Winter School on Representation theory and Combinatorics tools in the study of some probabilistic models (https://viasm.edu.vn/hdkh/WSRC), which we organised together with Le Minh Ha, Ngo Hoang Long and Marc Peigné at the beginning of December. On this occasion, four French colleagues came to Hanoï and gave talks on models inspired by probability theory and algebra; in addition, four Vietnamese colleagues gave research talks on various probabilistic models. The participation of many students and the subsequent mathematical discussions contributed to the success of the winter school.
The lecturers of the winter school (François Chapon from the University of Toulouse, Sandro Franceschi from Telecom Sud Paris, Cédric Lecouvey from the University of Tours and Marc Peigné, University of Tours) were all able to extend their stay to make progress on various research projects. These activities have contributed to the research network between Vietnam and France in the field of probability theory and representation theory.
I have been able to benefit from wonderful working conditions at VIASM, which is definitely an inspiring working environment. The architecture of the building, the welcoming cafeteria and canteen, the terrace, the beautiful and modern Laurent Schwartz amphitheatre, the weekly tea breaks, the proximity of many restaurants: everything is done to provide the best possible conditions for researchers. In addition, the many scientific activities proposed by the VIASM contribute to the dynamism of the institute and give the opportunity to meet many colleagues from all over the world.
I received the strongest support from the VIASM staff and colleagues. I would especially like to thank Le Minh Ha, Ho Tu Bao, Marc Peigné, Hong Anh Nguyen and Le Thi Lan Anh for their help and great support.
Kilian Raschel
Michel Brion

I spent the month of November 2024 in Hanoi with the support of the
IRL FVMA. During the first week of my stay, I participated in
the school and workshop at VASM
“Selected topics in arithmetic algebraic geometry”
I gave a mini-course at the school, on rational actions of algebraic groups, and a talk at the workshop.
I also gave a talk during the third week, in the series of “Lectures on selected areas in Pure Mathematics”
http://math.ac.vn/conference/LSAPM/index.php?lang=en and a seminar talk during the fourth week
Perhaps more importantly, my stay was a unique opportunity to meet and discuss with Vietnamese colleagues including Nguyen Quoc Thang, Phung Ho Hai, Dao Phuong Bac, Pham Thanh Tam, and Vhan Thinh Dao. We plan to continue our contacts in the near future. In particular, Bac plans to visit Institut Fourier in the fall of 2025, with support from the IRL, in order to work on a joint project.
I am thankful to the financial support from IRL FVMA for my travel expenses, and that from VIASM for my staying expenses.
Michel Brion
Cédric Lecouvey

I was in residence at the VIASM two weeks between the 1 and the 15 of December.
The first week was devoted to a winter School on “Representation theory and combinatorics tools in the study of some probabilistic models” where I gave a
minicourse in front of a young and interested audience coming from Hanoï but also from various other parts of Viet Nam.
I also attempted the other mini-courses proposed by french colleagues and hear many very interesting talks given by Vietnamiese mathematicians. They lead to stimulating discussions during all the week. I appreciated in particular the warm hospitality of the VIASM and the efficiency of its staff.
During the second week, I also visited the VAST in Hanoi where I gave a talk based on some of my recent works at the crossroad between algebra, combinatorics and probability. This second week also offered me a very well come break during which I had the possibility to complete quietly the redaction of a preprint which is now on arXiv.
These two weeks in Hanoï were undoubtedly a wonderful experience both in a human and a scientific perspective. Many thanks to the VIASM and the IRL FVMA for their financial support and the organisation of the many scientific and social events during this enriching journey.
Cédric Lecouvey
Marc Peigné

A week in Ha Noi always goes by very quickly!
A workshop on the Pitman transform and its variations, before an audience of young students discovering the world of conferences, mathematics that is difficult but accessible, and moments of exchange with the speakers and researchers, for the less shy.
The entire Viasm team was always extremely welcoming, and our Vietnamese colleagues were always enthusiastic to see us again… with the bustling life of Ha Noi as a backdrop.
I’m taking advantage of this trip to spend a further two weeks in Saigon, as part of my Master’s course and research with a formal student, Tran Duy Vo.
I look forward to coming back very soon.
Marc Peigné
François Chapon

During the first week of December, I gave a lecture at the winter school “Representation Theory and Combinatorics Tools in the Study of Some Probabilistic Models”, organized at the VIASM.
My course, entitled “Non-commutative Probability, Representation Theory and the Orbit Method”, focused on understanding the famous Pitman’s 2M-X theorem from a non-commutative perspective, using representation theory and deformations of algebras. The audience, which included young Vietnamese students as well as more senior researchers, was enthusiastic. The other lectures by some French colleagues and the talks given by Vietnamese mathematicians were also highly engaging and led to some stimulating discussions.
During my stay in Hanoi, I also had the opportunity to visit the VAST, where I attended several interesting talks. Moreover, I initiated a joint research project with Kilian Raschel and Sandro Francheschi and took advantage of the excellent conditions at the VIASM to work on a few ongoing projects.
It was my second visit to Vietnam and the time spent in Hanoi was a truly wonderful and enriching experience. Hopefully, I will have the chance to return to this beautiful country soon!
I sincerely thank the VIASM and the IRL FVMA for the financial support, the hospitality, and the excellent organization during my stay. In particular, I express my gratitude to Nguyễn Hồng Anh for her support and kindness.
François Chapon
Sandro Francheschi

Sandro Franceschi
In December 2024, I had the pleasure of participating in the Winter School in Hanoi, Representation Theory and Combinatorics Tools in the Study of Some Probabilistic Models. During the event, I gave a mini-course on Lévy’s and Pitman’s theorems, with some notes available [here].
In the second part of my stay, I had the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues in Hanoi and work at the magnificent VIASM centre, notably with Kilian Raschel and François Chapon on a joint research project. This trip was also a wonderful opportunity to explore Hanoi and Vietnam more broadly—a truly beautiful country.I extend my warmest thanks to Marc Peigné and the IRL FVMA for helping to fund my mission, as well as Nguyễn Hồng Anh for her support, kindness, and enthusiasm!
Sandro Franceschi